Saturday, January 10, 2009


Does it seem like there are a lot more TWINS other multiple births these days? This past year I have photographed over 10 set's of twins and one set of triplets. This family is one of those families that have been blessed with a set of very cute twin boys. I have three children and for me it is quite a handful. In late July and August I had the opportunity to babysit my 2 year old and 4 month old nephew for 6 weeks. Thank Heavens my older 2 kids were in school during that time, but my own 2 year old was at home with us. So I had THREE kids that were 2 & under... my hat goes off to you ladies who have any children that close in age. It was fun, but man I do not think I have ever been more tired!

1 comment:

Mindurs said...

The boys seem so cooperative, what is your trick? My boys will not hold still for 1 good photo.

Cute pictures and I love the new website/blog!