Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

We just wanted to wish ALL a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Whew...coming up for air & mindless ramblings.

Just thought I would update a bit. I have so many fun sessions to post and I will get to that soon. The Holiday rush at it's peak right now and I am scrambling to keep up. I am going to take a few weeks in December and revisit why I love photography and think about how to refocus (ha,ha-literally) on what really makes me happy. There are so many ULTRA talented photographers, especially in Utah. It seems like everyday I hear about another friend who is starting a photography business, and it is VERY competitive. Which makes lots of hours photographing, lots of hours editing, lots of hours managing the business end (which I am horrible at!)

Bottom line: I love to be behind the camera, and still plan on photographing, but I need to think things to the next level or get out of the game! I have invested mucho dinero in equipment over the last year and have photograph some of my best work yet, but I am feeling like something is missing for me...not sure what next year will bring!