Friday, August 15, 2008

The dream...

Lyndee (the best assistant ever) and I had the opportunity to attend a program called FREE TO SUCCEED by a very awesome photographer named David Jay. It really was not about technical stuff (lighting, exposure, etc.) but more about workflow, managing time, creating relationships, and "buzz" marketing. It was a great reminder to me to constantly be evaluating were I want to take my photographic life, and remember to balance work and other important aspect of life. Thanks Lyndee for being such a great friend, a fabulous assistant (with a creative eye), and inspiring me to continue to pursue things in this crazy industry. I feel like the last year I have improved a bit, and want to always learn, experiment, and enjoy what I do.

He is pretty cute too!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Monday, August 11, 2008

Little Ashby ladies

These two little ladies were fun to follow around. Both were pretty fond of being in front of a camera. They reminded me of ME and my Sister. My sister has pretty blond hair & blue eyes, and I am the brown haired, brown eye girl. But you can tell we are sisters (at least that is what everyone says!)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Brittney's bridals

This was a super fun shoot. Brittney is a beautiful bride. I can not wait to photograph her wedding coming up very soon. Let me know what you think. Sorry I have not posted for a bit. I have been so busy taking pictures, editing pictures, and caring for my 3 kids plus I am watching my 2 year nephew and 3 month old nephew for a between diaper changes, laundry and everything thing else mommy I have not been able to post much.